Much prayer & careful thought ​has been given
to the books ​that we have included in this library.
​Our elders request that you ​take seriously the things that you ​allow to influence your lives
and thus they remind us that-

The Bible is the only book that is
​inspired ​and completely endorsed
​by our elders.

All other books are the products of
​uninspired people and thus cannot
be ​endorsed completely.
Use them wisely comparing them
​to God’s word and praying to God
​for wisdom and discernment.

Read with an open mind seeking ​God’s will
not to justif
y yourself or ​prove a point.
To see the books we have in our ​library go to ​ http://www.​librarything/.com/​catalog/​​WaterMillChurch.
Our library is located in ​Room 136.

Anyone is welcome to check out
​books ​by writing
date of check out, ​your name,
​book title, ​and book number 
on the book check out sheet
​​(sample to right).

Please, also write the date you
return the book in the
checked in" column.
Some great websites for
​abundant ​free online
​Bible study resources are
Bible Hub and​​​ ​ and Bible Study Tools​
​and for additional links check out
Wilburta Arrowood's Web Wanderings
Other resources for study may be ​obtained by asking
​our elders ​and our ministers.